Philosophical attitude with failures.

Danil Sergeev
2 min readDec 10, 2020

Dear Friends, this is my pilot blog post. I hope you enjoy it. If you like it, please do not forget to clap my article and give me a feedback. Thank you.

If you ever tried to solve a really hard task, you definitely faced our today’s topic of the article — It is failures. In our life exists two concepts, mistake, and problem. Do you understand the difference between these? They are very similar to each other, but not all you understand the true difference. Let me explain from a “solving a task” perspective: a mistake — when you know how you should solve a task, but because of any reason, you do it wrong. The problem, however, is a situation in which you absolutely do not know what to do. Both are failures.

When you make a mistake or face a problem, this makes you choose: either you thoroughly understand the problem ( learn something new or analyzing something old that you already know ), either you abandon a task. You probably already understood my point — failures are incredibly important and they are the engines of your progress. It doesn’t matter at all, what will be the final result when you have solved a task. The most important thing is what will be the experience you get from solving a hard-trying problem or from a complete analysis of your error.

During my life, I have solved a huge amount of non-trivial technical & management tasks. I could declare with confidence that neither books, neither YouTube videos, neither courses had not influenced my self-development that much, as all of these countless failures during “solving a problem” had.

All these thoughts above are quite simple and I think many of you have them inside your mind. But I address my message to precisely those who avoid difficult tasks, no matter how, shifting problems onto other people or smoothing corners — you MUST get involved in this hard struggle for your own further self-development. And I address it to those of you, who previously treated mistakes as a negative phenomenon — you MUST change your attitude. Because the main part of your “true” self-development is failures. You will never get success if you will have such an attitude that I have described above. I believe that all of you want to achieve something great in your life. Of course, you should not overdo it, because a breakdown is much worse.

I will write about self-development breakdowns later, hope you enjoyed my pilot article.



Danil Sergeev

Software Development Lead | Czech Republic Expatriate | Decentralised Applications Enthusiast